General terms and conditions for the use of the website and online payments

Please familiarize yourself with these General Terms and Conditions for the use of the website (the “Website”) and for online payments provided by Blitz-CineStar LLC with its registered office in 10 000, Prishtine, Rruga Fehmi Agani 79/8,unique ID number: 811930438 (“Blitz-CineStar”), before using the Website. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the terms of use, please contact us at


Acceptance of General Terms and Conditions


  1. By accessing the website or using any part of its content or services, you accept these General Terms and Conditions of Use of the website (“General Terms and Conditions”) and online payment, as well as all other rules and terms of use of the aforementioned website and services provided through it. If you do not agree with the above, please do not use the website and the services provided through it.
  2. The General Terms and Conditions of Business also apply to the services provided by Blitz-Cinestar. Please familiarize yourself with these General Terms and Conditions as they apply to the relationship between you and Blitz-Cinestar arising from the purchase of tickets.


Changes to the General Terms and Conditions and the website


  1. Blitz-CineStar reserves the right to amend or supplement these General Terms and Conditions at any time, with such changes taking effect on the date of publication on the website. By continuing to access the website or use any part of its content or services, you will be deemed to have agreed to such amended or supplemented General Terms and Conditions. Blitz-CineStar advises you to periodically check these General Terms and Conditions to be informed of any changes.
  2. Blitz-CineStar reserves the right to modify, supplement, or terminate any part of its business, including the website, or any of its parts, services, subpages, or services provided through them, at any time and without prior notice. This right includes, but is not limited to, changes in availability time, content, availability of new data, mode of transmission, as well as the right to access or use the website.
  3. It is your duty and obligation to use the website in accordance with positive regulations and general moral and ethical principles. Blitz-CineStar has the right to monitor the content of the website at any time to ensure compliance with these General Terms and Conditions and positive regulations.


Registration of Users


  1. In order to use certain content and services on these pages, you must sign in to the system using your email address, password or other data that you will provide during the registration process.
  2. During the registration process and when filling out your personal profile, you are obligated to provide accurate, complete and valid information.
  3. During the registration process, it is not allowed to use names, nicknames and titles that are owned by third parties, unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory or in any way harmful to children and minors. It is not allowed to use the names of public figures. In case of violation of these rules, Blitz-CineStar has the right to deactivate or delete the user account.
  4. You must not use the names of companies, brands or websites along with your name and surname.
  5. Registering two or more user accounts for the benefit of one legal or natural person is not allowed.
  6. After registration, it is necessary to activate your user account in order to use it in the future. A link/code for activation will be sent to your email address, which is active for 24 hours, after which the user account cannot be activated anymore. All inactive user accounts will be automatically deleted by the system within 24-48 hours of registration.
  7. Blitz-CineStar reserves the right to refuse registration, as well as to revoke or deny the further use of a user account for which the user is registered in case of any violation of these Terms and Conditions or any other way of hindering or disrupting the operation of the website. Blitz-CineStar reserves the right to take appropriate measures against such users.
  8. During the registration process, we will collect and process certain of your personal data in accordance with applicable regulations and only for purposes necessary to fulfill your rights and to provide services that Blitz-CineStar offers through the website. Details related to the manner of collecting and processing personal data, as well as the rights of data subjects and how to exercise them, are set out in the Privacy Statement. Please familiarize yourself with the contents of the Privacy Statement before providing your personal information.


Usage of the portal and user interactions


  1. By activating your user account, you accept responsibility for all activities carried out using it on the website.
  2. You are required to take care of the security of your user account password and change it periodically. Your password must not be simple, it must contain at least 8 characters (numbers and letters, one upper case letter and one lower case letter) and at least one special character and one number. ‘*’ (asterisk) and ” (space) are not allowed. The password must not contain personal data (name, surname, email, home address, phone number, date of birth), consecutive numbers or identical numbers, consecutive letters or identical letters, and also words such as password, passphrase, CineStar, cinestar, etc. The system will not allow you to change your password or log in with the same one if it does not meet the security requirements. Blitz-CineStar is not responsible for cases of misuse of user passwords, but will immediately take action to protect your rights after you report the misuse. You can report misuse via email, at
  3. Each user is personally responsible for their interaction and communication with other users of the website and accepts that such interaction and communication is not confidential, and accordingly, Blitz-CineStar has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor communication among users that takes place through the website.
  4. You undertake not to use the website, its content, and services to:
  • Present themselves for the purpose of self-promotion;
  • Harmed, intimidated, or threatened third parties, or spread hate speech;
  • Incited, favored the incitement of, and spread hatred or discrimination based on race or ethnicity, skin color, gender, language, religion, political or other beliefs, national or social origin, property status, membership in a union, education, social status, marital or family status, age, health status, disability, genetic inheritance, gender identity, expression or sexual orientation, as well as anti-Semitism and xenophobia, ideas of fascist, nationalist, communist, and other totalitarian regimes;
  • Published, transmitted, and/or exchanged content that is contrary to positive regulations, offensive, vulgar, racist, chauvinistic, pornographic, represents hate speech, or is otherwise inappropriate;
  • Harassed, threatened, insulted, deceived, or in any way infringed upon the rights of third parties;
  • Published, transmitted, and/or exchanged information that you know or should know is false, and whose publication could harm other users and/or pages;
  • Engaged in any unlawful or unauthorized action;
  • Transmitted or distributed any illegal content;
  • Published, transmitted, and/or exchanged personal data of third parties;
  • Published, transmitted, and/or exchanged content that contains viruses or similar malicious software or other programs designed to destroy or limit the operation of any computer software and/or hardware and telecommunications equipment;
  • Advertised or asked any other user to buy or sell any product and/or service, used information obtained from the content on the pages to contact other users for the purpose of advertising, presenting, or selling products without their permission, and published, transmitted, and/or exchanged unwanted content to users without their consent or request;
  • Conducted any pyramid schemes, chain letters, junk mail, spam, or any other form of multiple sending of commercial or other content;
  • Published, transmitted, and/or exchanged content protected by the copyright and other intellectual property rights of third parties;
  • Suggested your connection to the pages;
  • Violated any positive regulations.
  1. You agree to respect the warnings and instructions of the administrators and/or moderators of the pages.
  2. Administrators and moderators of the pages are in no way responsible for the data that users publish. They have the right to delete, change, move, or delete any content of the pages at their discretion and without prior notice.
  3. Any disputes arising from the relationships between users of the pages (whether due to the truthfulness of user data, the content of competitions, etc.) are resolved exclusively between the users. Blitz-CineStar is not responsible for any damages of any kind that may arise as a result of such relationships.


Content and services


  1. The pages allow you to use various content and features. Content is created by Blitz-CineStar, our partners and collaborators, as well as by you, the users.
  2. Posting your content on the pages does not imply that it represents the views, opinions or recommendations of Blitz-CineStar, nor that we agree with them or support them in any way.
  3. Blitz-CineStar is not responsible for the content posted by users, but users who post such content are primarily responsible for it.
  4. Blitz-CineStar is not responsible for the content of partners and third parties.
  5. The pages also contain documents, data, information, as well as links to other Internet pages created by third parties, which will be marked as such to the extent necessary and possible. Blitz-CineStar has no control over such documents, data, information or other Internet pages and fully disclaims any responsibility, including but not limited to the accuracy, completeness and availability of content on Internet pages created by third parties. Blitz-CineStar disclaims any responsibility for any content displayed on such third-party pages, as well as for any products or services obtained through such third-party pages. Such third parties will not be considered in any way associated with Blitz-CineStar solely because of the existence of a link to the website.
  6. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Blitz-CineStar is not responsible for any damage that may be caused to you or other users in connection with the use or reliance on any content posted on the pages.
  7. All posts, messages, texts, displays, photos, videos and other materials (hereinafter: content) posted on the pages, transmitted through the pages or linked from the pages are the sole responsibility of the person from whom such content originated. Blitz-CineStar makes no warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of such content.
  8. In the event of any claims by third parties for damages against Blitz-CineStar, on any basis related to the content you have provided, you agree to assume full responsibility for such damages and take all necessary actions to relieve Blitz-CineStar of such responsibility and reimburse Blitz-CineStar for all damages it has suffered as a result of such claims by third parties.
  9. Blitz-CineStar reserves the right to change, temporarily suspend, delay, or terminate the display or provision of any content and services at any time and for any reason. Blitz-CineStar also has the right to limit access to certain services, content and parts thereof without prior notice.




  1. All content, documents, data, and information published on the website, including all content provided by users, are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, and may not be published, reproduced, distributed, or used in any way without the explicit prior written consent of the owner of the appropriate right and Blitz-CineStar.
  2. The user is specifically prohibited from downloading, reproducing, modifying, editing, distributing, displaying, deleting, sending, selling, reselling, adapting, modifying the content, creating derivative works, including on other websites or media, or using in any way other than for personal household use.
  3. The editorial content of the website is the property of Blitz-CineStar.
  4. By using the website, you are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to use the content of the website in such a way that you view them for personal purposes, subject to the following conditions:
  • The user uses the content and services at their own risk;
  • The user may use the content and services only while respecting the copyrights and other intellectual property rights of their owners and Blitz-CineStar;
  • The user must not make any modifications to the content and services without the prior express written consent of Blitz-CineStar;
  • All used content and materials, if nature permits, must display notices of copyright, trademark, stamp, logo.
  1. To avoid any doubt, Blitz-CineStar expressly retains and does not transfer any other rights in relation to the content of the website to the user, and prohibits the use of the content of the website except as provided in these General Terms and as allowed by the instructions on the website.
  2. User warranties. When publishing or uploading (uploading) your content to the website, you give Blitz-CineStar the following warranties regarding such content: a) that the author of the content is listed or authorized to publish such content by the author or other holder of copyright or other intellectual property rights; b) that the content complies with all positive regulations; c) that the publication of content protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights in any form will not in any way violate the rights of third parties, including in particular copyright and other intellectual property rights, reputation, honor and dignity, the right to privacy, and other rights of third parties; d) that the use of this content on the website will not cause any harm, material or immaterial, to Blitz-CineStar, other users or third parties; e) that the content is, to the best of your knowledge, complete, truthful, and accurate.
  3. By accepting this, you agree to assume all claims for damages that may be made against Blitz-CineStar due to your violation of these General Terms, including the above warranties, and to compensate Blitz-CineStar and other damaged users and third parties for all damages and costs incurred due to the violation.


Purchasing cinema tickets through Stars Club membership


  1. See the Terms and conditions for the use of Stars Club memberships.


Purchasing tickets via the Internet with bank cards


  1. Cinema tickets can be purchased using the following bank cards:
  • Diners Club credit card
  • MasterCard credit card
  • Visa credit and debit card; and
  • Maestro debit card
  1. The purchasing process on the website is done in the following way:
  • Select the movie and showtime on the desired cinema page
  • Select the number of cinema tickets you want to purchase (up to 10 cinema tickets);
  • Choose the row and seats;
  • Log in with your username and password
  • Choose the payment method (bank card)
  • Check the accuracy of your payment details before confirming the order;
  • Make the payment through the Corvus Pay interface;
  • The transaction is considered successful if you receive a confirmation of transaction authorization from the Corvus Pay system and a CineStar Online confirmation with a QR code for purchased cinema tickets sent to your email address which you provided during registration;
  • Upon arrival at the cinema, present your cinema ticket to the staff for ticket control.
  1. The purchasing process through the application is done in the following way:
  • After launching the application
  • Select the movie, show date, and showtime and select the Buy Tickets option
  • Choose the number of tickets and type of seat
  • Log in with your username and password if not already logged in
  • Choose the row and seats;
  • Choose the payment method
  • Make the payment through the Corvus Pay interface;
  • The transaction is considered successful if you receive a confirmation of transaction authorization from the Corvus Pay system and a CineStar Online confirmation with a QR code for purchased cinema tickets sent to your email address which you provided during registration;
  • Print two copies of the cinema ticket (we recommend one for your record), which will appear on your screen immediately after payment;
  • Upon arrival at the cinema, present your cinema ticket to the staff for ticket control.
  1. Online purchase of cinema tickets with credit/debit cards is subject to the following conditions:
  • For tickets purchased online (including both the website and the application), an online processing fee is charged for each purchased ticket. The online fee is 0,15 € with VAT (0,13 € net) per ticket, regardless of the ticket price. When purchasing tickets online, the price is shown as the sum of the ticket price and the online processing fee. The online fee is charged per ticket, not per transaction.
  • Online purchase of cinema tickets applies to regular cinema tickets, matinee cinema tickets, midnight premieres, hidden premieres, alternative content (opera, ballet, etc.), as well as other content specified by the cinema program.
  • Cinema tickets for special promotions determined by Blitz-CineStar (summer promotions, etc.) cannot be purchased online.
  • Cinema tickets can be purchased online until the start of the screening.
  • A maximum of 10 cinema tickets can be purchased in a single transaction.
  • If you lose or forget the printed cinema ticket, you can retrieve it with the help of the web code at the cinema box office.
  • The web code is located on the printed cinema ticket.
  • The use of the web code is not allowed for entry into the cinema hall (entry is allowed only with the presentation of the cinema ticket).
  • Blitz-CineStar reserves the right to change the cinema hall in which the film for which you purchased cinema tickets will be shown.
  • Blitz-CineStar reserves the right to cancel the screening, as well as to change the schedule or screening time of films. In such cases, for online purchased cinema tickets, you have the right to request a refund or exchange the ticket for the same film at a different time.
  • Before finally confirming the purchase, check the details of the desired film, time and place of the screening, and all other information entered into the system, as we do not accept subsequent complaints.
  • Blitz-CineStar is not responsible for the misuse of cards resulting from the use of the internet sales service on an improperly protected computer.
  • Canceling purchased tickets is not possible. The exchange of purchased cinema tickets for another service is possible at the latest one hour before the start of the screening for which the cinema ticket was purchased, exclusively at the box office of the cinema for which the cinema ticket was purchased, except for special promotions (1+1 gratis, tickets purchased at a discounted price, etc.) for the same screening due to a change in seat location, as well as cinema tickets purchased in advance sales, for which there is no exchange or refund. Advance sales imply that tickets are put on sale a week or more before the date of showing of a film.
  • Once the purchase of cinema tickets is confirmed, it cannot be revoked or canceled.
  • It is not possible to request a refund for purchased but unclaimed cinema tickets.




  1. Print@Home is a service for printing cinema tickets purchased online. In this case, it is not necessary to print the tickets at the cinemas or at the cinema box offices. The ticket can be printed at your own expense and in your own organization (for example, at home or in the office) after the tickets wewr bought.


Protection of your data


  1. In order to exercise the right to purchase cinema tickets online, it is necessary to provide certain personal data and credit/debit card information during the purchasing process, and the collection and processing of such personal data is regulated in detail by the Privacy Statement. Please read the content of the statement before providing your personal data.
  1. All user data is encrypted with a GeoTrust EV SSL certificate for maximum security and data protection.
  2. In order for your data to be even more protected, confidential card information (card number, expiration date, and CVV code) that you provide is not stored on CineStar servers.
  3. The transaction with your card is managed by a third party (Corvus Pay) that receives credit/debit card numbers and other personal data exclusively for identification and approval of the transaction. Corvus Pay ensures the security of your data during credit card authorization. Data transfer is secured by using TLS security protocol. In case of unauthorized use of your personal data and/or credit/debit card number, Blitz-CineStar is not responsible.




  1. Blitz-CineStar shall not be liable for any damages that may arise from the interruption of availability, non-publication or deletion of content, or errors in the operation of the website.
  1. You use the website solely at your own risk. Blitz-CineStar, nor any third party associated with it, in any way guarantees that the use of the website will not be interrupted or that it will be free of operational difficulties. You acknowledge that access to this website may be interrupted, temporarily unavailable, or suspended due to routine maintenance or other reasons for which Blitz-CineStar is not responsible.
  2. You are aware of and agree that the use of the internet may sometimes result in technical problems affecting the website and thus, may temporarily interrupt services. Such events and similar are beyond our control, therefore Blitz-CineStar cannot be held responsible for any loss of data or any other event that may occur while using or providing services. Blitz-CineStar shall not be liable for any damages that may arise as a result of using or inability to use this website.




  1. All complaints, besides e-mail can be submitted in written form to the following addresses:

Blitz-CineStar LLC

Rruga Fehmi Agani 79/8, 10 000 Prishtine, Kosovo

CineStar Megaplex Prishtina Mall, M2 Magjistralja Prishtinë – Ferizaj, kilometri i 10-të, Graçanica, Prishtine 10000


General provisions


  1. The legal relationship between you and Blitz-CineStar is governed by the positive laws of the Republic of Kosovo. In case of a dispute, the competent court in Kosovo shall have jurisdiction.
  1. The Privacy Statement describes in detail how we use your data, what rights you have as a data subject and how to exercise them. Please read it carefully before providing your personal information.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.